Attila is CEO and Co-Founder of the Swiss citizen science / video game innovator start-up Massively Multiplayer Online Science, recipient of the Innovation Award of the University of Geneva. Attila has dedicated his last decade to bring scientific research and videogames closer together, setting up major collaborations between academia and the videogame industry to manifest the enormous potential in games to be a force for good, a benefit for the broader society and a powerhouse to help scientific research.
Massively Multiplayer Online Science (MMOS)
Massively Multiplayer Online Science (MMOS) is a Swiss start-up bringing innovation to citizen science and gaming by introducing citizen science micro-tasks in major video games. Past projects include the award-winning editions of Project Discovery in EVE Online and Borderlands Science in Borderlands 3. These science mini-games engaged over 6 million players and contributed with over half a billion of player submissions to advance science. For more information visit
URL: Massively Multiplayer Online Science (MMOS)
Session: Scientific Research x Video Games