Das überregionale Spielfestival Gamesweek Zurich bietet vom 9. bis 19. November 2023 ein

vielfältiges Programm, das Jung und Alt, Laien und Profis, die zahlreichen Facetten von Spielen erleben lässt.



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Dieser Monat

Vergangene Veranstaltungen

Keynote by Andy Brick

HWZ Zürich Lagerstrasse 5, Zürich

The conductor and composer Andy Brick will introduce us to the secrets of game music in his keynote speech. Speaker: Andy Brick, conductor and composer of game music, Game On! -- Keynote mit Andy Brick Der Dirigent und Komponist Andy Brick führt uns seiner Keynote Speech in die Geheimnisse der Gamemusik ein. Speaker: Andy Brick, ... Read more

Validate, Hype, Release – A Strategic Approach

HWZ Zürich / Hybride Lagerstrasse 5, Zürich

Philomena Schwab knows by her own experience, maintaining an indie studio is a tough challenge. With roughly 1000 games launching on Steam every month, it’s just too easy to be overlooked. After launching three profitable games on PC, Philomena will share her studio’s best practices to validate interest in a project early on, build up ... Read more

Keynote: How games change the world

Glockenhof / Hybride Sihlstrasse 33, Zürich

Videogames are the most influential form of entertainment of our time. With this great power comes great responsibility and many of us know and even have proof how games can contribute to the greater good. Attila Szantner gives an inspirational keynote on how we can live up to this beautiful challenge through the story of ... Read more

Das überregionale Spielfestival Gamesweek Zurich bietet vom 9. bis 19. November 2023 ein

vielfältiges Programm, das Jung und Alt, Laien und Profis, die zahlreichen Facetten von Spielen erleben lässt.