Das überregionale Spielfestival Gamesweek Zurich bietet vom 9. bis 19. November 2023 ein

vielfältiges Programm, das Jung und Alt, Laien und Profis, die zahlreichen Facetten von Spielen erleben lässt.



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Matchmaking & Networking

HWZ Zürich / Hybride Lagerstrasse 5, Zürich

Get added value by attending pre-planned matchmaking meetings and business networking opportunities, in addition to the conference programme. Go to our matchmaking platform and plan your meetings with national and international partners already now. Important information We’re hybrid: You cannot make it to Zurich? No worries, you may attend all your meetings online.

Matchmaking & Networking

Glockenhof / Hybride Sihlstrasse 33, Zürich

Get added value by attending pre-planned matchmaking meetings and business networking opportunities, in addition to the conference programme. Go to our matchmaking platform and plan your meetings with national and international partners already now. Important information We’re hybrid: You cannot make it to Zurich? No worries, you may attend all your meetings online

Das überregionale Spielfestival Gamesweek Zurich bietet vom 9. bis 19. November 2023 ein

vielfältiges Programm, das Jung und Alt, Laien und Profis, die zahlreichen Facetten von Spielen erleben lässt.