Das überregionale Spielfestival Gamesweek Zurich bietet vom 9. bis 19. November 2023 ein

vielfältiges Programm, das Jung und Alt, Laien und Profis, die zahlreichen Facetten von Spielen erleben lässt.



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Dieser Monat

Vergangene Veranstaltungen

Games for sustainable development

HWZ Zürich / Hybride Lagerstrasse 5, Zürich

It is easy to set ambitious goals, but it can be very hard to achieve them. For example, to fight climate change, and to achieve a sustainable development, mankind set itself the goal to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions. While the goal is clear, the practical implementation is not at all straight forward. We are ... Read more

Game journalism. Does it still exist?

HWZ Zürich / Hybride Lagerstrasse 5, Zürich

The change in the media landscape does not stop at game journalism. Independent game reviews are of great importance, especially for indie game devs. Together with prominent journalists and publishers, we will explore the question of how high-quality game journalism can function despite dwindling financial resources. Panel: • Marc Bodmer, Independent journalist (Host) • Guido ... Read more

Together against extremism in Games

HWZ Zürich / Hybride Lagerstrasse 5, Zürich

Games have experienced a brilliant rise in the last twenty years. They developed into a globally respected cultural asset and the entertainment medium with the highest turnover. Games offer an incredible number of opportunities for society. They are already being used successfully beyond gaming in the context of medical therapies, in communicating political issues or ... Read more

Das überregionale Spielfestival Gamesweek Zurich bietet vom 9. bis 19. November 2023 ein

vielfältiges Programm, das Jung und Alt, Laien und Profis, die zahlreichen Facetten von Spielen erleben lässt.