Farhanaz a.k.a Joy ELAHEE

Joy is the CEO and creative and artistic director of Purple Meadows studio. She has worked on many video game projects, from AAA to independent games. Also on animated series for children. She is also an author. She now wants to develop narrative games and tell committed stories with a strong universe.


Afrogameuses is an international community, created in 2020, composed mainly of female gamers and streamers, both amateur and professional. This collective campaigns for a better representation and visibility of minorities in the world of video games and streaming in France, while focusing on Afro-descendant women, in order to promote diversity and inclusion in these environments.

Purple Meadows Studio

Joy is the CEO and creative and artistic director of Purple Meadows studio. She has worked on many video game projects, from AAA to independent games. Also on animated series for children. She is also an author. She now wants to develop narrative games and tell committed stories with a strong universe.

URL: Afrogameuses

URL: Purple Meadows Studio

Session: Diversity in Game Creation